Robin's Nest Daycare
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Policy for Robin's Nest Daycare

At Robin’s Nest Daycare, I strongly believe that it is through play that children learn best. I feel it is my role to provide quality, interesting and stimulating materials and equipment to facilitate this play. I provide materials that meet a range of developmental levels. This creates an environment for each child to grow and learn at there own rate, because each child is different and grows and learns in their own unique way. 

A lot of our “programming” occurs in the moment, taking advantage of simple every day learning opportunities. Often we will focus on a specific theme for a day. I strive to keep my focus on the children’s’ interests and take my cues from them. My Facebook page will have details of any weekly events, along with pictures that I will post of the fun activities we will do. The children and their families are my priority and so this is simply one of the ways I try to show and give them the respect they deserve. I provide a strictly anti-bias environment. My Home Daycare is open to any child and family regardless of their abilities, culture, race, family structure etc. If you have information on cultural holidays or customs unfamiliar to us - please share! If you can provide information and insight into your family structure that we could use - please share! If you can better help us understand certain abilities or disabilities that are perhaps a part of yourself, your child, or someone you know - please share! We would love to learn more! 

Discipline Policy 

Here at Robin’s Nest Daycare, discipline and guidance centers on respect and responsibility. Each child is expected to be a respectful, responsible member of our group. This ranges from children cleaning up their own “mess” after lunch to using manners and politeness when speaking with myself and each other. 

All “rules” center on these respect/responsibility/safety guidelines. The only rules are those that are required to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all the children in my care. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will any form of physical punishment or any form of abuse EVER be used! 

Instead, to help in preventing problems, clear, consistent and simple limits will be established. These limits will be stated in a positive manner (ex. “please walk inside” rather than “don’t run”) and all limits will be explained in a manner that the children can understand (ex. “we need to walk inside so you or someone else doesn’t get hurt in case of a ‘crash’ or fall”). In every instance, ample time will be allowed to give children time to respond to the limit set, and the focus will be on the behavior, not the children (ex. “running is not a safe way to move inside” rather than “you’re a bad boy - stop running!”). Of course, when the children are doing well, I reinforce these appropriate behaviours both verbally and through gestures (ex. “it’s great to see you walking inside, being so safe!” or giving a ‘thumbs up’). 

When intervening in a situation I will ensure to be down at the child’s level and have their attention. If the situation involves two children having a problem I can act as a mediator when necessary, modeling problem-solving skills. We need to encourage the children to express their feelings and ideas for solving the problem, and have them work together to come up with solutions. I try to ask open-ended questions to encourage the children to problem solve together (ex. “Gentle hands please. You both want a turn on the slide. What can we do?”) Some children need more assistance than this though. In these other instances, appropriate choices will be offered to the child (ex. “You can wait in line for a turn on the slide or go ride a bike until the slide is free”) and logical, natural consequences of an action will be explained, and then followed through on, if a behaviour continues (ex. “if you continue to push the other children waiting for a turn with the slide you will need to go play somewhere else. The children don’t like to be pushed and I will not allow you to do that to them.”). In every instance the children’s’ feelings will be acknowledged first (ex. “I know it’s hard to wait for your turn, it’s not easy to be patient. But pushing is not okay”) to help the child feel understood and supported.This also helps with self regulation. In some instances children, especially younger ones, can be redirected to another toy or activity to resolve problems. This will be used as a method mainly with the infant/toddler aged children. As the children grow older it is necessary to work through resolving the problem ‘step-by-step’ to develop appropriate social skills for the future. 

Only in extreme cases will a time-out/time in (‘missing out’) be used as a discipline method. Persistent refusal to follow the defined limits at times requires the child to be removed from the group. It is explained to the child as: “when you cannot be safe with yourself and your friends/when you cannot play nicely, you cannot be a part of the group”. The child will be removed from the group and asked to go sit at the designated spot. They will be asked to sit for a few short minutes to calm down, think about what behaviours are OK, and to let us know when they are ready to rejoin the group. Before rejoining the group we will briefly discuss what appropriate behaviours will need to be used to be a part of the group again. A short phrase I use to help remind the children is "You hit/bit/pinched/kicked, you sit". This helps when a child is in a specific phase. 

Daily Routine 

8am-8:45amDaycare opens- Free play

9:00am: Snack Time –provided by RND *Please feed your child before coming to Daycare. I have snack ready for 9am, so please let me know if you plan on feeding them a snack in the car close to 9. It will help me know how much snack to give so there is less food waste.*
9:30am: Outside play (weather permitting)/Arts and Craft/othervarious activities 
10:45am:Tidy up/wash up for lunch
11:15-1145am:Lunch – provided by RND 
11:45am:Story time/Wind down for Nap/Quiet Time
12:00pm-2:45pm:Nap time/Quiet Time
2:45 -3:15pm: Snack Time and Games/head out side.
3:15-4:00pm:Outside Play (weather permitting)
4:45pm End of the day 

(schedule is just a guideline.)

Nap Time:

Please be aware that nap time is essential at RND. All children will have nap time/quiet time. If your child is starting school and is showing signs at daycare of not needing a nap, I will enforce a quiet time period. They must be able to entertain themselves quietly while the other children nap, and while I have my break. If you feel your child is having a hard time getting to sleep at home in the evenings, I would gladly help you figure out a solution as to why. Most often it is not daycare nap related. If a child falls asleep at Daycare I will not wake them up before an hours time frame is up. I follow the guidelines set out by CCEYA.

For transitioning new children, please try to have them on the same sleep schedule as RND. If your little is still on two naps a day and needing them we can discuss an appropriate transition. Most often children will be transitioned to our schedule within the first couple of weeks as they will be so busy exploring.

Teachers Summer Leave

While you are on summer leave your payments will go down to a part time rate to hold your spot.(Rate will depend on my current pricing)
If you decide to use that spot please inform me 3 months before summer break. School holidays will be your choice to keep them in care or take them out of care your rate will stay the same. For scheduled holidays please follow the Holiday notice policy. 

Field Trip Policies and Procedures 

Upon signing a Robin’s Nest Daycare Contract/Policy form, parents consent to their children’s’ participation in general daily outings, such as walks and trips to local parks. If I need a car seat from you I will ask to use it the night before. On all trips and outings the first aid kit and the children’s’ emergency info will be brought along. I will follow appropriate Public Health and Government Guidelines during pandemics to help keep your children safe while at RND.

Prior to each outing the children will be told where we are going, what the boundaries and limits are, and what to do if they find themselves lost. Children not in a stroller will either be holding the stroller or using the “buddy system”. 

If a child should become lost while on an outing, the other children will be safely cared for while the missing child is searched for. If the search is unsuccessful, 911 will be contacted along with the parents/guardians. A serious incident report would also be filed. I hope that such an incident would never occur, but with both preventative measures in place and procedures to follow, I feel prepared. 

Items Needed From Home:

Diaper rash ointment 
Extra clothes for your child 
Please provide the proper gear for each season. *Children without proper gear will still participate in the outside fun. Weather permitting. If items are ruined or stained, it is not RND responsibility. Please send in proper gear to avoid this concern.*

Please ensure that children come dressed in “play” clothes. Although we are careful while doing art/crafts and playing outside, there are instances where clothes could become stained. I appreciate your understanding and so do the children. 

Extra supplies can be left at child care and replenished when necessary.

Children are to keep all toys from home AT HOME. Please keep ALL items in the vehicle before entering RND. If your child is having a hard time letting go of the item please manage the situation before coming into Daycare. It is not fair for the provider or the children who need to follow the same rules. I give many opportunities for the children to learn and grow and how to take turns and share.Thank you for understanding. 

Snack and Meal Times 

I will provide the children with a morning/afternoon nutritious snack as well as lunch.

In the event of a “rushed” morning, please inform me so I know how much snack to prepare. Please DO NOT send food into daycare. Keep it at home or in the vehicle. Thank you. 

Throughout the day, drinks of water are available for the children as needed. At all times during drinking and eating, children are required to be seated (at table or cushions) and not engaged in any play activity. This is to ensure safety (choking, etc.) and to promote appropriate eating/drinking habits. Under no circumstances will young children be allowed to walk around or play with bottles in their mouths. Pacifiers are encouraged for use at nap time only and if your child requires a bottle at nap it will be given to him or her before they get in bed. Under no circumstances will children be allowed to go to sleep with bottles in bed. This is also to ensure safety (choking, etc.) and to prevent dental problems. 

Hygiene and Health Promotion 

Soap and hand towels will be used for hand washing. Children will wash their hands before and after food preparation/eating, before and after diapering, and after toileting, nose wiping/sneezing and outside play.  

Single use tissues will be available at all times to use for wiping noses etc. These tissues will be disposed of after each use. Children will be encouraged to cough/sneeze into the “inside corner of their elbow” instead of their hands to prevent spread of illnesses by hand. Please encourage this at home as well. 

The diapering location is away from food preparation areas. Diapers will be disposed of in a bag lined garbage bin. After each diapering the change area will be cleaned with an appropriate solution.

Food preparation areas will be kept clean, dry and separate from playing, toileting and diapering areas. Food preparation will only be done in the kitchen. All hand towels, wash clothes and dish towels will be laundered daily. Tables, counter tops etc. will be cleaned after each use with the appropriate  solution. Toileting areas will be sanitized daily. Shelving, doorknobs, play pen rails etc. will be sanitized with an appropriate solution weekly, or as needed. All dishes will be washed using the four step method (wash, rinse, sanitize, air dry). All areas of play will be cleaned daily.  

Children will consistently use the same sleep mats, which will be sanitized with an appropriate solution. While in use, sleep mats will be placed at the appropriate space apart. Bedding will be laundered every two weeks or as needed. 

All cleaning supplies, knives, plastic bags and other potentially dangerous products are stored inaccessible to the children, either up high or in cupboards.

Please make sure your child arrives clean and ready for Daycare.



All medications are stored up high. Children are not given any medication without the parents’ written or text consent. All medications must be in their original bottles with original labels. 

For prescription medication, only the directions on the bottle will be accepted for administering the medication. And in all instances I will also need to know when the child received their last dosage of the medication, to ensure medication is given at appropriate times consistently. 

With any prescription medication children may not return to care until they’ve had a full 24 hours of dosage, are no longer contagious and ready to participate in the full child care day, to ensure they are well on the road to recovery. 


All allergies (and dietary concerns) will be clearly posted both on the refrigerator and written on the child’s emergency info/consent cards. 

First Aid 

I hold a first aid/CPR certificate, and are ready to perform care when necessary. A complete first aid kit is available at all times, including on field trips etc. The children’s emergency info/consent cards are kept in the first aid kit at all times. As well, I always carry my cell phone with us on outings for use in the event of an emergency. In the event a child needs emergency medical attention, an ambulance will be called, and then the parents - to allow them to meet the child at the hospital as soon as possible. 


When my own children are somewhat sick (i.e. a “big” cold) and daycare is open, I will provide details about the illness to the parents in the event that they do not want their children exposed to such illness. If parents are uncomfortable having their children exposed to such symptoms they need to arrange alternate care for their children. In such cases my children will be in a separate space as well. I will always close daycare in the event that my children have significant symptoms and/or a communicable disease. Daycare children need to stay home from daycare as per the following illness policy. 
​*In the event of a pandemic, my illness policy will be enforced to the highest standard. If you do not report illnesses within your home and visits with those who are sick outside of your home you risk immediate termination. I have immune compromised individuals in my home. Please respect these guidelines for the well being of the community and our Daycare families.*

Illness Policy 

If you keep your child home sick or you choose to keep them home for any other reason your fee will remain the same. 

In the event a child becomes ill during the course of the day the parents/guardians will be contacted immediately and be required to come pick the child up within 30minutes. Unless other wise worked out with myself. If the parents/guardians can’t be reached, the alternate emergency contact person will be called to pick up the child. While waiting for an ill child to be picked up, the nap room will be used as a place to rest, as the child can be closely supervised in this area. This also allows the child to be separated from the others to prevent spreading of illness. If the child requires emergency medical attention, an ambulance will be called first and then the parents/guardians will be notified of the incident, and where the child has been taken (which hospital, doctor, etc.). 

In the event a child arrives at daycare in the morning and appears to be too ill to participate in the day, the parents/guardians will be asked to find alternate care for the child. If a child is too ill to participate in the child care day, then that child is too ill to be at the daycare. If you give your child medication to mask symptoms (drug and drop) and within a few hours they are ill, you will be called and a warning given. This is grounds for termination within most providers homes and I will enforce if needed. Please respect that we have our own families and keeping them healthy is important. Our day includes both inside and outside play. We request appropriate clothing be at the daycare to match the weather. This ensures we can have outside play on a daily basis, except in extreme weather conditions. Allergy related as well as non-communicable diseases/illnesses, do not require that the child be excluded from care as long as allergy testing has been completed/a diagnosis from a medical professional has been given. *Please note that in the case of a pandemic, we will follow all public health and Government guidelines appropriately.* 

But one or more of the following conditions require that children be excluded from care: 

Children may return to care when they are FREE of symptoms: 

-Pain - any unexplained or un-diagnosed pain 
-Acute cold (fever, sore throat, green/yellow runny nose/eyes etc... ) 
* May return to care when temperature, energy and general well being are normal. ( without the use of medication) 
* I cannot keep up with constant runny noses though, please keep children home until they are well. 
-Difficulty in breathing - wheezing or persistent cough 
-Fever (100* F/ 38.3*C or higher) - fever must be gone on its own for 24 hours for children to return to daycare without being controlled by regular doses of fever medication (Tylenol etc.). 
-Sore Throat or trouble swallowing 
-Infected skin or eyes (mucus/pus draining) or an un-diagnosed rash 
-Headache and stiff neck - should see physician 
-Severe body or scalp itching 
-Children with a known or suspected communicable disease/illness 
-Vomiting - 2 or more times in 24 hours - may return to care after 24 -48hours without vomiting (wil
-Diarrhea - 2 or more times in 24 hours - may return to care after 48 hours without loose stool/diarrhea 
-Nausea/Vomiting/Abdominal Cramps and Diarrhea - may be an early sign of illness (that could easily be passed child to child) that requires physician’s attention 
-Just not feeling good - a child must be well enough to participate in the entire child care day to be at daycare 

Please keep in mind that I am here to teach your littles. I do not take care of them when they are sick. I do understand that it can be hard for working parents, but I too am a working parent with 5 families in my care as well. If I get sick because we do not respect the illness policy you will need to stay home until I am well and so will the other families. Let’s all be respectful surrounding these situations. Thank you 🙏 

Illness/Emergency/Personal Days:

Taken as needed. It is the parents responsibility to find back up care. Please note that for an  illness of myself or my children can come on suddenly leaving very little notice. I will be taking 15 paid sick days a year. Each year restarts in September. 

Potty Training Policy.

Potty training will be done in a relaxed manner with the cooperation of the family. If potty training is done when your child is ready (expressed they need to go/have gone/able to pull own pants up and down, wipe, wash hands) the task is easy and quick. If a parent undertakes the task of potty training when they want it to happen it can be an awful experience for the child. When a child is ready, please start potty training at home first. For me to continue at daycare training requires that the child will not need reminding every 20 minutes, they are accident free, can successfully pull up underwear and pants, wash hands. They need to be two weeks accident free in a pull up/diaper at daycare before I will consider removing the pull up/diaper (wearing underwear under the pull up in an option if your little has a hard time feeling the wetness due to distractions at daycare.) I have many children I need to care for and it is not possible for me with our busy schedule to constantly remind a child when to use the potty. Please keep in mind that the activity level at Daycare is high, so accidents can/will happen. So pull ups are important for sanitary reasons at RND. Pull ups will be used at nap time until a consistent amount of time has proven they can stay dry at nap. 

Telephone Communication

If you need to contact me during the daycare day, please feel free to phone. If you get my voice mail, please leave a message, as often we are out or I am busy with the children and unable to get to the phone at that moment. I do check messages and return phone calls as soon as I get the chance. In an emergency you can try phoning repeatedly and if I am able I will usually get the idea that it is urgent and get to the phone. Texting is also an option and I will respond as soon as I can. 

If you call outside of daycare hours please leave a detailed message or a
text and I will respond when I am able. 

Pick-up and Drop-off of the Child 

Children will only be released to their parents/guardians or persons authorized by a parent/guardian. Identification will be required for persons picking up that the caregiver has not met before, for safety/security reasons. A ‘password’ system can also be used. If there is a custody order or other such court order that prohibits any parent/person from contacting/picking up the child a copy of this order MUST be kept at the daycare for enforce ability. In the event that an unauthorized person arrives to pick up the child, the child will not be released and the parent will be notified immediately. 

Children will not be released to any person that appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or otherwise appears incapable of providing safe care of the child for safety/security reasons. Instead, another authorized contact person from the child’s registration form will be contacted to come get the child and individual. In the event that there is no one available to come get the child, the Ministry for Children and Families and/or the Police will be contacted for further instruction. Such steps will also be taken in the event that a child is not picked up from child care at the end of the day, and all attempts to contact all other authorized contact persons has been made. 

Pick up and Drop off is done outside of the home. I will great each family outside. I will bring the child inside to wash their hands and we will go about our day. 

Parents must walk their children to the house, please do not send them up to the door on their own. Please make sure I am fully aware they are here before you leave. 

At RND I help encourage children to dress and undress themselves when arriving or leaving from daycare. Please help me foster this stage of independence and growth. If time is a factor please do a quick drop off (kiss, hug, have a great day and I will see you later) and I will work with them to undress and dress themselves. For pick up, please send me a text before pick up and I will help them get ready. I work with 5 little ones and if we all do different things, it can become confusing for them to see one parent doing it for someone but they can not have mommy or daddy do it for them. Consistency is key at these stages of development. Thank you :)

Children dropped off early (before 8am) or not picked up by your typical end time (What your contracted hours are eg: 8-4:30 means you pick up at 4:30 and are late anytime there after. Just because my close hours say 4:45pm does not mean our contracted hours will be this, each families needs are different.) This will result in a flat fee of $40. Due by the next day or care will be suspended until all monies are deposited. 

If you plan to arrive outside of your typical daycare hours (yet still within hours of operation) please ask if I am available. It is important to tell me if you are planning to arrive early the day before and only if I am available. Please do the same with being late, as I do schedule appointments after hours. Ex: If you come at 7:45am and plan to stay right till 4:45pm that is more then your scheduled hours. Not only will you be charged late fees, but you will be asked to please stay within the scheduled hours. Please call me if you are going to be late or early the night before. Please respect that I do have children of my own and mornings with them can be busy. I have experienced drop offs where families come 10 minutes, 5 minutes early without warning. Please know I will not open until your scheduled time. I do use my free time to get ready and spend time with my own children. Thank you for respecting my private time within my home.

Please have your children at daycare by 9:00am, so we can start our day together. If you can’t make it by then please call and I can let you know where/what we are doing so we can have an appropriate drop off time.

If you need to schedule an appointment, please note that I will not accept daycare children back into care during quiet hours. This risks waking up my nappers. Please advise me of any plans or appointments and I will work out an appropriate time with you. If you are planning on vaccine appointments please schedule them on a time where you are able to watch them for 24 hours after. 

Payment Schedule:

The following rates apply to all families. I am a firm believer of family time and feel that no child should be in any daycare for more than needed for a work day, therefore the following rules apply. 
Parents will be charged a late fee of $40 if you are late without agreed upon notice. Payment is due before the next day or care could be suspended until all monies are deposited.

I will require payment in post dated cheques up to 3 months in advance. Weekly time frames. I will not work more than your contracted hours per day. 
I have implemented the E-transfer option into my Daycare. Transfers are to be made no later then 5:00pm on the THURSDAY of each week. Late payments will result in a Late fee of $50 dollars for every half hour late. These fees will be due the next scheduled daycare day before entry. 
Please set reminders on your phone, I do not wish to remind families to pay for the Service I provide. Respect is extremely important between Provider and parent. How would you feel if you did not receive your pay on time? 
Thank you 🙏 

Weekly Rates:

Full Time: $250  (4-5 days per week you choose 4 or 5 days a week. It must stay consistent unless other wise discussed.)
 *Please note that daycare hours change when you are on Matt leave or you are working from home and do not need to travel, the contracted hours will automatically go to a 9am-4pm start and finish time. The time before and after that are designated for travel time to and from a position of employment.* 
Part Time: N/A
Back up care: $50 dollars a day per child

Holding fee: A holding fee of $500 is required for new children entering into RND. This fee is Non-Refundable. It can be used towards the last two weeks of care after a full year at RND and only if the contract has been followed. (This includes paying on time, being on time for pick up and drop offs, etc) This is due at the time of Signing with RND. If you have not signed the contract or paid the Holding Fee, your spot has not been saved for you. 

Provider holidays:  

I may take 2-3 weeks unpaid vacation per year. You do not have to pay for the time I am on vacation.

Parent/Guardian holidays:  

Parents are required to still pay for their spot if they go on holidays. If your child is not here for any reason the fee remains the same. You are paying for the spot not attendance. 

Holiday days:  

The following days are observed as PAID holidays; New years Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day.

Withdrawal of Services Policy

A MINIMUM 3 CALENDAR MONTHS WRITTEN NOTICE is required for termination of childcare services. This NOTICE IS DUE BY THE LAST DAY OF A MONTH (ex. if terminating care for May 31st - notice must be given by February 28th). This ensures that the entire following 3 months is available to prepare for the upcoming change and allows opportunity to attempt to acquire a new care contract, as it is necessary to maintain consistent finances to run child care. Child care services will not be terminated in the middle of a month; I work on calendar months only. In the event that parents/guardians do not give full termination notice they are responsible for paying the following 3 month fees to make-up for lack of proper withdrawal notice (ex. if termination notice is given on May 5th - the parent(s)/ guardian(s) is responsible for both May, June and July full fees). These fees are also due by the first day of the month. Any fees not paid on time with regards to termination of child care services will also be subject to daily late fees, until full payment is received. This is a non-negotiable policy. 

In the event of any concerns (raised by staff, parents/guardians or even children), a meeting can be scheduled to address the issues. The meeting will involve the parents/guardians involved and myself. The concerns will be clearly stated (ex. late payment, failure to adhere to daycare policies, behavioural problems etc.) and discussed. Solutions will be sought in a non-judgmental manner. A plan will be designed to resolve the issue. A second meeting will be scheduled to review the situation within a reasonable time frame. In the event the issue cannot be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction, a written notice of termination of services will be given. I am able to terminate care at my discretion. If I feel at any point it is needed do to a lack of respect given, breaking of rules, slander, bullying or safety issues I will issue an immediate termination letter. 

Custody/Guardianship Issues 

I am aware that many children have parents that do not live together. In such situations, I do my best to cooperate and communicate with both parents about their child(ren)’s development and daycare news. Good communication between both parents and the daycare is in the child(ren)’s best interests. I encourage parents to supply me with copies of agreements or court orders that address matters pertaining to their children, especially if there is any level of conflict between the parents or minimal good communication between the parents.

In the event of Fire:
-at the signal of the smoke detector all children will stop what they are doing and leave the Daycare by way of the closest, safest exit 

-I will take both the 1st Aid Kit (children’s emergency info/consent cards included) and Attendance Sheet with them and close all windows/doors on the way out, while checking behind doors, in bathroom etc for children who may be frightened and hiding 
*Children physically incapable of walking out will be carried.
-Children and staff will group at one of the meeting spots ( Our neighbours front lawn, or the far back corner of our yard near the same neighbours fence ) and a head count will be done 
-911 will then be called and any medical treatment necessary will be administered.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via email or phone.
Thank you for taking the time to consider Robin's Nest Daycare.

Please Respect the Policy/Contract of Robin's Nest Daycare. I am a home daycare provider, not a baby sitter. I teach children and help them grow and become school ready. I am not a stop over for a Licensed Daycare or preschool program. If this is your intention please be honest with me at the interview. I will explain my stance and will help you find alternate care. Be advised all fees paid to RND are non refundable and will not be refunded if you decide to pull your child from care for another program or within one year of placement at RND. Thank you for taking the time to read my policy/contract.